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00:35, 8. Okt. 2022: NelliePurcell15 (Diskussion | Beiträge) löste durch die Aktion „edit“ auf der Seite „NelliePurcell15“ den globalen Filter 1 aus. Ergriffene Maßnahmen: Verbieten; Filterbeschreibung: Global AF - Short new page with external link (untersuchen)

Änderungen durch diese Bearbeitung

Woodworking tools could be any of the many implements that are used in furniture-making, carpentry cabinetmaking and other woodworking trades. Hand saws, chisels and wrenches, screwdrivers, and hammers are the most common tools used in woodworking.<br><br>Here is my webpage - [https://julianwoods.webnode.page/l/how-to-keep-woodworking-tools-from-rusting/ Visit This Link]


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Name des Benutzerkontos (user_name)
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[ 0 => 'createaccount', 1 => 'read', 2 => 'createpage', 3 => 'createtalk', 4 => 'writeapi', 5 => 'viewmywatchlist', 6 => 'editmywatchlist', 7 => 'viewmyprivateinfo', 8 => 'editmyprivateinfo', 9 => 'editmyoptions', 10 => 'abusefilter-log-detail', 11 => 'abusefilter-view', 12 => 'abusefilter-log', 13 => 'move', 14 => 'move-subpages', 15 => 'move-rootuserpages', 16 => 'move-categorypages', 17 => 'movefile', 18 => 'edit', 19 => 'upload', 20 => 'reupload', 21 => 'reupload-shared', 22 => 'minoredit', 23 => 'editmyusercss', 24 => 'editmyuserjson', 25 => 'editmyuserjs', 26 => 'editmyuserjsredirect', 27 => 'purge', 28 => 'sendemail', 29 => 'applychangetags', 30 => 'changetags', 31 => 'editcontentmodel', 32 => 'spamblacklistlog', 33 => 'oathauth-enable', 34 => 'autoconfirmed', 35 => 'editsemiprotected', 36 => 'suppressredirect' ]
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Namensraum der Seite (page_namespace)
Titel der Seite (ohne Namensraum) (page_title)
Vollständiger Seitentitel (page_prefixedtitle)
Seitenalter (in Sekunden) (page_age)
Aktion (action)
Zusammenfassung (summary)
Altes Inhaltsmodell (old_content_model)
Neues Inhaltsmodell (new_content_model)
Alter Wikitext der Seite, vor der Bearbeitung (old_wikitext)
Neuer Wikitext der Seite, nach der Bearbeitung (new_wikitext)
'Woodworking tools could be any of the many implements that are used in furniture-making, carpentry cabinetmaking and other woodworking trades. Hand saws, chisels and wrenches, screwdrivers, and hammers are the most common tools used in woodworking.<br><br>Here is my webpage - [https://julianwoods.webnode.page/l/how-to-keep-woodworking-tools-from-rusting/ Visit This Link]'
Vereinigter Versionsunterschied der Bearbeitung (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +Woodworking tools could be any of the many implements that are used in furniture-making, carpentry cabinetmaking and other woodworking trades. Hand saws, chisels and wrenches, screwdrivers, and hammers are the most common tools used in woodworking.<br><br>Here is my webpage - [https://julianwoods.webnode.page/l/how-to-keep-woodworking-tools-from-rusting/ Visit This Link] '
Durch die Bearbeitung hinzugefügte Zeilen (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'Woodworking tools could be any of the many implements that are used in furniture-making, carpentry cabinetmaking and other woodworking trades. Hand saws, chisels and wrenches, screwdrivers, and hammers are the most common tools used in woodworking.<br><br>Here is my webpage - [https://julianwoods.webnode.page/l/how-to-keep-woodworking-tools-from-rusting/ Visit This Link]' ]
Zeitstempel der Änderung im Unix-Format (timestamp)